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Title: Числові дослідження напружено-деформованого стану двопрогінної залізобетонної балки прямокутного профілю з використанням пк Ansys
Authors: Крантовська, О.М.
Коцюрубенко, О.М.
Keywords: ansys
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Актуальні проблеми інженерної механіки, III,2016
Series/Report no.: ;с.133-137
Abstract: Report is devoted to the reinforced concrete two-span beam modeling by finite element analysis using ANSYS. The description of preprocessing operations for this research element is fulfilled namely the element types, real constants and material models. Finite element types for concrete, steel bar and steel plate are pointed. Real constants model for all of elements types are listed. Such an advantage of ANSYS as considering non linear material properties is used and is taking into account properly by choosing the material models. For concrete it was done by considering multilinear isotropic model responded to applicable building code. Also for concrete except linear isotropic model a criterion for failure due to a multiaxial stress state (criterion of William and Wranke) is considered. Fulfilled analysis is the base for next steps in research of stress stain state of two-span reinforced concrete beam using finite element analysis in ANSYS – solution and postprocessor operations. Fulfilled numerical research can be used for the other types of reinforced concrete elements.
Appears in Collections:Актуальні проблеми інженерної механіки III, 2016

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