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Title: Seepage protection of irrigation canals using horizontal directional drilling
Authors: Meneylyuk, A.
Petrovskiy, A.
Borisov, A.
Nikiforov, A.
Keywords: bentonite
horizontal directional drilling
irrigation canals
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Tehničkiglasnik - Technical Journal (TG-TJ)
Series/Report no.: № 4 (11);С. 201-209
Abstract: The paper is dedicated to the development of methods of waterproofing curtains arrangement for seepage protection of irrigation canals. The analysis of the informational sources in the field of seepage protection of irrigation canals has been conducted together with the use of horizontal directional drilling and the bentonite usage. The innovative technology of such works is proposed. The gist of the innovative technology is the combination of horizontal directional drilling and waterproofing bentonite containing mortar injection
Appears in Collections:Стаття в журналі

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