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Title: Features teaching physics for students of construction specialties
Authors: Gokhman, A.
Vilinskaya, L.
Pysarenko, А.
Burlak, G.М.
Keywords: physics course
site of the department
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Scientific and methodological basis for teaching natural sciences and engineering in higher education. Ariel University. Ariel, Israel
Series/Report no.: Issue №1;p.71-76
Abstract: We consider the relevance of the question about the peculiarities of teaching physics for students of construction specialties. The emphasis on some issues of concern to tackle the trend towards deterioration of the quality of education as a result of reducing the number of classroom hours and increase independent work. There is a positive experience of using modern information technology to enhance students' independent work.
ISSN: 2218-8584
Appears in Collections:Стаття в журналі

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