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Titel: Optimization of managerial, organizational and technological solutions of grain storages construction and reconstruction
Autoren: Meneylyuk, Aleksandr
Nikiforov, Aleksey
Stichwörter: construction and reconstruction of the grain storages
business management techniques
multidimensional organizational structure
optimization, management
organizational and technological solutions
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020
Herausgeber: Tehnički glasnik - Technical Journal
Serie/Report Nr.: №2 (14);p.121-134
Zusammenfassung: The work is devoted to the important problem of optimization of managerial, organizational and technological solutions of construction and reconstruction of separate grain storages and the management of specialized building enterprise as a whole. There were designed, analyzed and described models of the company for the grain storages construction and renovation: multidimensional organizational structure, computer model of the enterprise. The results of a two-stage construction products cost optimization were presented. The recommendations for the adoption of optimal organizational and technological solutions were developed. The method for justification of financial income level for the grain storages construction and reconstruction using project management principles and provisions of the existing regulations was proposed.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Стаття в журналі

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