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Title: Структура строительных материалов и изделий
Authors: Выровой, В.Н.
Суханов, В.Г.
Коробко, О.А.
Елькин, А.В.
Keywords: строительные материалы
метастабильные элементы
перманентное взаимопревращение
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Актуальні проблеми інженерної механіки, VI, 2019
Series/Report no.: ;с.70-73
Abstract: The mutual influence of cracks, inner surfaces of partition and technological deformations as active elements of the structure defines the formation of properties and conditions of safe functioning of building materials and products. Depending on the type of active elements, their role in the behavior of materials and products is defined. The objective existence of these elements allows expanding possibilities of design of composition of materials for the production of products and constructions of building and special purpose.
Appears in Collections:Актуальні проблеми інженерної механіки VI, 2019

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