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Title: Динамика волчка лангража под действием возмущающих моментов сил
Authors: Акуленко, Л.Д.
Лещенко, Д.Д.
Козаченко, Т.А.
Зинкевич, Я.С.
Keywords: возмущенное движение
механические модели
система уравнений
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Актуальні проблеми інженерної механіки, IV, 2017
Series/Report no.: ;с.89-90
Abstract: The problem of evolution of the rigid body rotations about a fixed point continues to attract the attention of researchers. In the aspect of applications, the analysis of rotational motion of bodies about a fixed point is important for solving the problems of astronautics, the problem of the entry of flying vehicles into the atmosphere, and the movement of a rotating projectile ane gyroscopy
Appears in Collections:Актуальні проблеми інженерної механіки, IV, 2017

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