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Title: Calculation of non-homogeneous anisotropic rectangular plates with arbitrary fixation on the contur
Authors: Zavrak, N.V.
Semchuk, P.P.
Issue Date: 2018
Series/Report no.: №70;с.29-33
Abstract: For practical applications in engineering are important tables for determining deflections and internal forces of structures. Such tables for the isotropic case under various conditions of plate support on the contour are given in many works. As for the anisotropic plates, there are no such tables, with the exception of one Huber table compiled for a freely supported rectangular orthotropic plate, depending on the relationship between the stiffness values s = √D11*D22 / D12 = 1. Here is a method of calculating the non-homogeneous anisotropic rectangular plates with arbitrary fixation on the contour is set forth, which is reduced to a boundary value problem. To solve a system of equations in terms of displacements using finite difference method (FDM) in combination with different variations of analytical solutions. It is advisable to construct a numerical solution of the problem so that in difficult cases the support fixing and uploading solution sought, not directly, but in the form of amendments to the known solution for simple cases of reference to consolidate and uploading at finding the solutions which the analytical methods or the FDM with sparse mesh may be used. Given as examples are the results of calculation for a series of square orthotropic plates with a fixed boundary under the action of uniformly distributed load.
Appears in Collections:Вісник ОДАБА №70

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