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Titel: Territorial development of settlements in the area of influence of a big city
Autoren: Pandas, A.
Stichwörter: local development
urban agglomeration
suburban areas
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017
Herausgeber: Economic and social development of Ukraine in XXI century: national vision and globalization challenges: Collection of scientific articles. – Dradt2Digital Publishing House
Serie/Report Nr.: ;р.23-24
Zusammenfassung: In the article suburban areas are analyzed as an integral part of an urban agglomeration. Researches have established performance indicators, that are characterizing social and economic potential of the territories, can determine the significance of settlement forming criteria in terms of areas of influence of a city, identify priority areas to improve the living conditions of the population. The expediency of applying methods of scoring in development of activities and justification of decisions aimed at improving the socio-economic development of communities was rationalized.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Стаття в журналі

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