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Title: Vibration monitoring of joints of precast and cast-in-situ reinforced concrete
Authors: Khavkin, A.
Marienkov, N.
Babik, K.
Dorofeev, V.
Shekhovtsov, I.
Petrash, S.
Malakhov, V.
Keywords: vibration monitoring
dynamic tests
reinforced concrete
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Second European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology - Istanbul,Turkey, 24-29 August
Series/Report no.: ;р.910-917
Abstract: Vibration monitoring of the defective and unimpaired constructors, in particular loop joints is carried out. The research of main dynamic informative parameters of technical state of structures of loop joints are submitted. Internal defects and changes in structures of joints of precast and cast-in-situ reinforced concrete are analyzed. Presented analysis based on determination of the frequencies of characteristic resonance oscillations using spectral method. Results of dynamic tests of beams with loop joints - diagrams of dependence of vibration displacement from frequency are presented/
Appears in Collections:Стаття в матеріалах конференцій та семінарів, симпозіумів. Тези

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