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Titel: On the improvement of the methodology of engineer staff’s graphic training on the basis of optimization of psychological and pedagogical approaches
Autoren: Bredniova, V.P.
Stichwörter: methodology
psychological and pedagogical approaches
engineer staff
professional competences
Erscheinungsdatum: 2016
Herausgeber: Modern Tendencies in Pedagogical Education and Science of Ukraine and Israel: The Way to Integration. Ariel University
Serie/Report Nr.: Issue №7;р.38-42
Zusammenfassung: Questions of taking into consideration psychological and pedagogical principles are essential for improving the methodology of engineers’ graphic training at the present stage of reforming higher educational system. Development of abilities to correctly perceive, create, as well as store and transmit any technical graphical information are top priorities of graphic training of professional engineering education. What is necessary for developing professional graphic competences is a complex combination of traditional and active learning methods.
ISSN: 2218-8584
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Стаття в журналі

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