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Titel: Design of industrial halls with a steel structure due to an accidential design situation-the impact of a vehicle on a frame column
Autoren: Wojnar, A.
Chernieva, O.
Sleczka, I.
Stichwörter: industrial hall
stability of portal frame
vehicle impact, FEM fnalysis
accidental design situatson
Erscheinungsdatum: 2024
Herausgeber: Одеса, ОДАБА
Serie/Report Nr.: 24;46-54
Zusammenfassung: The article presents the effect of vehicle impact on the behaviour of the steel structure of anindustrial hall. A portal industrial hall with a span of 18.0 m, a length of 42.0 m and a column height of 7.0 m was considered.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Збірник СБКМД №28

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