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Titel: Deformability of steel reinforcement of damaged CFRP-strengthened beams under action of cyclic loading
Autoren: Somina, Yu.A.
Karpiuk, I.A.
Antonova, D.V.
Stichwörter: steel reinforcement, beam
carbon fibre-reinforctd polymer sheet(CFRP)
cyclic loading, deformations
mathematical model
Erscheinungsdatum: 2023
Herausgeber: Одеса, ОДАБА
Serie/Report Nr.: ;35-40
Zusammenfassung: In the article are presented the main results of experimental studies of deformability of the reinforcement of common damaged and brought, in the cource of the previous tests, to the critical state by the i st group r.c. beams reinforced with carbon fibre (CFRP) sheet in the lower tensioned zone and on the supportarea.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Збірник СБКМД №27

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