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Результаты 2491-2500 из 2690.
Найденные ресурсы:
Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022Landslide protection structure in the form of counterforts made of bored pilesOsadchy, V.S.; Anisimov, K.I.; Baadzhi, V.G.
2022Intensive separate technology and its influence on the properties of cement-water compositions. solutions and concretes on their basisBarabash, I.V.; Babiy, I.N.; Streltsov, K.O.
2022Analytical method for calculating annular plates on a variable elastic baseSurianinov, M.H.; Krutii, Y.S.; Karnaukhova, A.S.; Klymenko, O.M.
2022Features of the adaptation of the urban environment to the needs of the childKyselova, G.V.; Kyselov, V.M.; Lisova, A.P.; Kalynka, V.M.
2022Analysis of factors affecting properties of a printed product using 3D printerKhlytsov, N.V.; Bachinsky, V.V.; Shkurpit, O.M.; Kondratenko, O.I.
2022Дисперсно-армований литий керамзитобетон на механоактивованому шлакопортландцементіБарабаш, І.В.; Щербина, О.С.
2022Оцінка стійкості ділянки схилу Одеського узбережжяОсадчий, В.С.; Бааджи, В.Г.
2022Comparison of fiber concrete properties for industrial floors and road pavements with steel and polypropylene fiberKroviakov, S.O.; Hedulian, D.Iu.; Kryzhanovskyi, V.O.; Zavoloka, M.V.; Yelkin, A.V.
2022Comparative analysis of the use of expansion agents in repair solutions of dry building mixtures for improving hardening conditionsHedulian, S.I.; Gara, O.A.; Savchenko, S.V.
2022Evaluation of the interrelation of hydraulic and thermal resistance of water heating systemsPetrash, V.D.; Bassist, D.V.; Geraskina, E.A.; Danichenko, N.V.; Shevchenko, I.F.