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dc.contributor.authorZhakot, A.-
dc.contributor.authorSultanova, M.-
dc.contributor.authorKalinin, O.O.-
dc.description.abstractThe relevance of the problem of equipping waiting areas (stops) for public transport is formulated. The systematic principle of the approach to solving such problems that occur not only in the city of Odesa, but also in other cities of Ukraine, as well as abroad, is substantiated.uk_UA
dc.publisherОдеса, ОДАБАuk_UA
dc.subjectsmall architectural formsuk_UA
dc.subjectsystematic principleuk_UA
dc.subjectpublic transport passengersuk_UA
dc.subjectvarious configurationsuk_UA
dc.titleProblems of creating small architectural forms in Odesauk_UA
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