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dc.contributor.authorGilodo, A.Y.-
dc.contributor.authorKolomiychuk, G.P.-
dc.contributor.authorKoomiichuk, V.G.-
dc.contributor.authorArsiriy, А.М.-
dc.description.abstractMitigation of the effects of the explosion is in the spotlight due to the unstable geopolitical situation. Existing wooden structures are not designed to withstand an explosive load, and in ares of a possible attack, their sensitive elements anti-explosive modernization.uk_UA
dc.publisherОдеса, ОДАБАuk_UA
dc.subjectenergy-absorbsng connectionsuk_UA
dc.subjectexplosion mitigationuk_UA
dc.subjectconstructive solutionuk_UA
dc.subjectwooden rod elementsuk_UA
dc.titleAnalysis of increasing the explosion resistance of connections in wooden structuresuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Сборник ССКМД №26

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