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Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Kozachenko, T.A.
Результаты 1 по 8 из 8
Дата выпуска | Название | Автор(ы) |
2002 | Evolution of rotations of a rigid body under the action of perturbing moment | Akulenko, L.D.; Kozachenko, T.A.; Leshchenko, D.D. |
2005 | Evolution of Rotations of a Rigid Body Under the Action of Restoring and Control Moments | Akulenko, L.D.; Kozachenko, T.A.; Leshchenko, D.D. |
2002 | Evolution of rotations of a rigid body under the action of restoring and control moments | Akulenko, L.D.; Kozachenko, T.A.; Leshchenko, D.D. |
2016 | Perturbed Rotations of a Rigid Body Close to the Lagrange Case under the Action of Unsteady Perturbation Torques | Akulenko, L.D.; Kozachenko, T.A.; Leshchenko, D.D.; Zinkevich, Ya S. |
2018 | Quasi-Optimal Braking of Rotations of a Body with a Moving Mass Coupled to It through a Quadratic Friction Damper in a Resisting Medium | Akulenko, L.D.; Kozachenko, T.A.; Leshchenko, D.D. |
2003 | Rotations of a rigid body under the action of unsteady restoring and perturbation torques | Akulenko, L.D.; Kozachenko, T.A.; Leshchenko, D.D. |
2017 | The evolution of the motions of a rigid body close to the Lagrange case under the action of an unsteady torque | Akulenko, L.D.; Zinkevich, Y.S.; Kozachenko, T.A.; Leshchenko, D.D. |
2019 | Time Quasi-Optimal Deceleration of Rotations of a Gyrostat with a Moving Mass in a Resistive Medium | Akulenko, L.D.; Kozachenko, T.A.; Leshchenko, D.D. |