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Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Leshchenko, D.
Результаты 1 по 9 из 9
Дата выпуска | Название | Автор(ы) |
2021 | A New Solving Procedure for the Kelvin-Kirchhoff Equations in Case of Falling a Rotating Torus | Ershkov, S.V.; Leshchenko, D.; Giniyatullin, A.R. |
2020 | Dynamics of a charged particle in electromagnetic field with joule effect | Ershkov, S.V.; Leshchenko, D. |
2021 | Evolution of a heavy rigid body rotation under the action of unsteady restoring and perturbation torques | Leshchenko, D.; Ershkov, S.; Kozachenko, Т. |
2020 | Note on the trapped motion in ER3BP at the vicinity of barycentre | Ershkov, S.; Leshchenko, D.; Rachinskaya, A. |
2019 | On a new type of solving procedure for Euler-Poisson equations (rigid body rotation over the fixed point) | Ershkov, S.V.; Leshchenko, D. |
2019 | On the dynamics of non-rigid asteroid rotation | Ershkov, S.V.; Leshchenko, D. |
2020 | Perturbed motions of a rigid body under the action of unsteady torques | Leshchenko, D.; Kozachenko, T. |
2020 | Perturbed rotational motions of a rigid body, close to the Lagrange case, under the action of unsteady restoring and perturbation torques | Leshchenko, D.; Kozachenko, T. |
2015 | Rapid Rotational Motion of a Satellite With Viscous Fluid Under the Action of the External Resistance Torque in the Gravitational Field | Leshchenko, D.; Akulenko, L.; Rachinskaya, A.; Shchetinina, Y. |